Thermobile at 307

Vyměňte olej za teplo ve Vaší dílně! ООО Альтаир предлагает широкий ассортимент тепловых пушек по доступной цене. Thermobile AT 3- Печь на отработанном масле.

It will comfortably heat 5square feet and runs on low at 60BTU . Must be in good working order, to include the Flue and tools. Voordelen: Besparing op brandstofkosten. Toepassingen: Landbouw Verwarmen van werkplaatsen bij .

The gross heating output of the ZM-1is 11000 . Max výkon: kW Palivo: ľahký vykurovací olej, repkový olej, slnečnicový olej, ostatné rastlinné oleje, nafta, bio nafta, zmes uvedených. Stacjonarne nagrzewnice na olej przepracowany, zużyty. AT connected to outside supply.

The AT 3and AT 3are sized to heat 5sq. Models AT30 AT4and AT5have been developed primarily for the. All THERMOBILE heaters are fully developed and manufactured in Breda in the.

As well as offering new thermobile waste oil heaters we . AT 30 – 2 – 80 5 15 NO.

Air conditioning, 27 302–3attitude scales of, 3home at, 3thermobile control, 3thermostatic control, 3Air cooling, 302–3Arena population . Неавтоматическая печь AT 3(с ветилятором), 20. Hickleys are offering this heater which is normally £9at an offer . Cost me just under £1from Machine Mart with one of their vat free. Продажа печей неатоматических на отработанном масле thermobile.

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