Order picker

Designed with performance and the operator in min . Raymond order picker forklifts deliver faster, smoother operation with less downtime and reduced cost of ownership. BT Optio order picker range includes trucks for all levels of order picking. With picking heights up to 12m, all order pickers work well in chilled environments. This forklift is ideal for narrow aisles or distribution center applications. Ergonomic order picking with lifting load section.

Order picking at reach heights of up to 5. STILL offers the right equipment for both low level and high-level order picking. Our order pickers are also suitable for tasks such as horizontal transport or . A Powerful choice of Order Pickers in and volts. Hyster order pickers are designed to make the picking process as easy as possible for the operator. Realistic job preview of an order picker. These order pickers are designed to make the order picking process as easy as possible.

Discover our innovative order picker forklifts. That is the principle upon which every detail of the design of these order pickers is based: The low entry height is gentle on the legs when mounting and .

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